Monday, November 1, 2010

A Maze - Page 2

As promised, here is the next page of the first maze. Since there were no requests I decided to fill in the gap by posting page 2. Later on this will probably not be the case. There may be times when there are many 'missing' pages or gaps. It was great to see that there is at least one person working on them. I have heard before that some people have a thing called, 'a life'. You have to feel sorry for them, but there it is. For the rest of you here is the next page.

Page 2

Here is a picture of page 2 in the wild. It was spotted lurking in the same area as page 3.

Tuesdays and Sundays will my official days off from blogging from now on. Let me try dipping a toe into this thing called life.



  1. Master of all Mazes, I know where the maze is the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose!

    Just want to report, the bottom edge of this maze got cut by the blogspot footer when I printed it out. Should I attempt to ink in the missing portions of the maze before solving it?

    So, with the end in mind, if I used 2A as my starting point, what would be my end? Are there any rules with mazes?

  2. Midori,

    It would be best to have the entire page before starting. It is possible, depending on how much of is missing that you can get to an exit. But to be on the safe side try to use the whole thing.

    For page 2, what you will be trying to reach is one of the circles with a number other than 2. So, those would be the 3B, 4A, and the 3C circles. It is not necessary to find a path to all of them right away. If you reach 3B or 3C you can continue on page 3 from the corresponding circle. If you get to 4A you will need to wait. Post a comment requesting page 4 so that I know someone is waiting for that page.

    Notice that all of the exit circles on page 2 will more you forward. This will not always be the case. For instance, page 3 has an exit which will take you back to page 2. Yes I enjoy that little feature.

    Don't get too carried away with this. Pace yourself.

  3. Uh-oh...I have a question as I am getting confused already. I ignored my painting duties this morning and sat determined to catch up on the mazes as tomorrow brings a new one.

    On page 1, I found 2 exit circles (2A and 3A), which lead me to page 2 which I was able to find 1 exit circle (3B), then I went on to page 3 and found 1 exit circle(4B). Now the husband thinks that I still need to go back to page 3 and start from "3B" and solve that one too. Is that true?

  4. I got the I went ahead and solved 3B. Okay, I think I can go outside and paint the porch now.

  5. Oophs, forgot, I am ready now for page 4, Master of all Mazes.

  6. Midori, Outstanding! It is not absolutely necessary to find one than more exit, but it may come in handy later if you run into a deadend. If you have the time and energy, it doesn't hurt to find all the exits.
