Saturday, December 18, 2010

Musical Interlude - 5

I am a big fan of Natalie Merchant. In my life I have only attended a few live concerts and one of them was a concert Natalie did up in Oakland. It was during the promotion of her album Motherland. I don't know for sure, but this album was probably not as popular or as big a seller as her earlier solo efforts.

As I wrote in a previous post, I know nothing about the music business and don't pretend to be a critic. I just enjoy music. It wasn't until long after Natalie left 10,000 Maniacs that I even discovered their music. As usual I was a Johnny come lately. The 10,000 Maniacs had a great sound and Natalie's voice was distinct and beautiful.

Here is a video of one of the most popular of their songs:

That has a pleasant upbeat sound. Some of their other songs dealt with heavier material and yet remained nice songs to listen to for pleasure. I'm thinking of songs like “Don't Talk” or “Eat For Two”.

When Natalie went solo she had several hits on the radio and VH1. This is when I finally discovered her and discovered the 10,000 Maniacs. Here is a song that was played over and over on the radio. I don't think I ever got tired of it.

When the Motherland album came out, I admit that I was a bit disappointed. It didn't have any instant hits or instantly catchy tunes. Over time it grew on me and now when it comes up in my iPod rotation I love it. There is one song that never caught my fancy though. There is no official video for it. The best I could find is this audio video.

Hmmm. See what I mean. If it wasn't for Natalie's voice to carry it, I wouldn't listen to it. But as it turns out, I want to use this song to start an interesting (to me) train of thought.


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