I wasn't planning on doing a post on New Year's Eve, but it is a good time for looking back over year just ending. I want to check back in my journal to see what my goals for this year were. This should be funny. This is one of the reasons I like to keep a journal. It makes it difficult to lie to yourself. Let's see:
Goals for 2010
Lose weight: down to 130 lbs.
Ah, I failed on this one. Of course this goal was a carry over goal from 2009, 2008, 2007 , 2006 and so on. This one goes on next year's list.
Get in shape: enough to ride the bicycle the length of the Coyote Creek Trail.
This one I almost got done before I fell and badly twisted my ankle. I didn't fall while riding the bike. I fell walking on a dirt path at night. Pretty pathetic really. Of course this goal was a carry over and simplifying of last year's goal of reaching the top of Mount Hamilton. This goes on next years list.
Complete Maze 2 to publish level.
This one I almost got done. I just need to do the proofing and final edit. This goes on next year's list.
Complete Maze 3 to publish level.
Ha! I didn't even start the process for this one. I think I will cut this one for next year.
Finish drawing maze 4.
Well, I have done 71 out of 90 pages, so I got 78 percent of it done. If only I had lost 78 percent of the weight I wanted to lose! This goes on next year's list.
Cut Spending to a minimum.
Failed this one too! This definitely goes on next year's list. I have to divert massive amounts of cash to the Line Around The World Project.
It was another one of those years like most of the previous years of my life. Nothing accomplished at all. Unless I consider life's surprises. For instance, I had never even considered doing a Blog. And here I am, blogging away, boring my readers to tears. I love it!
The Line Around The World Project was totally unplanned and yet has grown into a major Art Project. Perhaps soon to be a corporate sponsorship deal. By the way, here is what a mile long line looks like when it is rolled up:
Pretty darn impressive isn't it? Just think of what a Line Around The World will look like. Wow! I might have to move.
For the rest of today I will be working to refine my goals for next year. I'm going to try and be more realistic for next year. And by gum, I'm really going to get them done this time!
Happy New Year!