Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Closing In On The Point - Part Two

Continuing on towards the point. A few posts ago I hope I left you with that very powerful, vivid even, image of the very very long line. Being the kind of guy I am, it was impossible for me to leave it at that. Using one of the new Pilot Ball Points I bought I will test it to see if using it I can truly draw a line around the world.

Here I am in my room and beginning the line. Thinking ahead, I marked the pen I am using with a piece of tape so I know that I'm always using the correct pen. How silly would it be to get to Denver and discover that for the last 150 miles or so you had been using the wrong pen? Talk about embarrassing!

As you can see, I just carefully tape the new piece of paper end to end with the previous one.  I am using plain old copy paper.

Because of the taping process, it is taking me longer than I thought to reach the front door.

Hey, if this Line Gig takes off maybe I can get corporate sponsorship for it. Maybe something like 'The Subway Line'. Yeah, that's the ticket! See ya later Jared!

We made it to the front door. It is clear that corners are going to be a problem. Well once I'm out of town I suppose it will be easier to keep it straight.

I better leave the door shut when I leave. If my wife's cat gets out, I'll be a Dead Man Walking.

What? Out of paper already? I need a break anyway. Let's look back and see how far we've gone.

Impressive isn't it? I'll pack a few things, pick up some more paper and get back to this later.



  1. if you actually go through with this, Good Luck!!

  2. Thanks for the comment. I have run into a few minor technical difficulties. It is possible that I didn't think it through enough. I'm working on some work arounds.


  3. Cash register tape. I'm thinking that would be the way to go for the paper trail. You wouldn't have to tape the rolls together so often and the register tape is small and portable, you could carry a lot in a backpack.
