Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Maze - Page 34

Here is the next page of my first maze. It is cold, stormy and rainy today with in Santa Clara. It might even snow tomorrow. This page is jut the thing you need to pass the time to spring.

First the scanned and edited version of page 34.

Page 34

Here is the same page in the wild. This is Penitencia Creek that runs through Alum Rock Park in San Jose. According to the notice board the most recent reported mountain lion sighting was on January 18, 2011. I have always said it is not the lion you see, but the one that eats you that have to worry about.

Tomorrow I will have another Ink Drop maze for you.



  1. In my case, it would be the "lion you see" that would kill you cuz I'd die just seeing one!

    That creek is so lovely. I hope the crowds don't descend now. Actually, I think this is located somewhere in the Rocky Mountains! I would start your search somewhere in Colorado.

  2. So pretty! I can't wait to go there with you and mom.
