Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Drawing the Line - 17

On Thursday January 27th I waited until the afternoon before setting out from the monastery to roll out my Line again. It was my last full day down at the New Camaldoli Hermitage and I had spent the greater part of the day trying to finish my fourth maze. As I have mentioned before, I failed to finish while I was down there.

It was around 3:30 in the afternoon when I drove down the two mile long driveway of the monastery and out on Highway 1. It was a 5.4 mile drive north of Lucia to where the last segment ended. I had four rolls of cash register tape prepared. The wind was stronger than it had been the previous morning though and I was concerned about it.

Here is the start of roll 55.

Here is the view from the end of roll 55.

You can't tell it from these first two pictures, but the wind was quite troublesome. Here is the view from the end of roll 56.

Here is the view from the end of roll 57.

Now you can see that the wind has broken the tape back along the line. There was quite a bit of traffic going past even though it doesn't show up here. I made the decision to go back and gather up the part of the Line attempting to escape.

Once I had gathered the first part of the Line, I walked back to the end and found it was almost gone as well. I had to roll that part up as well. So I would end up rolling out 3 rolls 55 thru 57 at first. Then roll out the last roll number 58. Here is the view from the start of roll 58.

Notice the rocks along the guardrail and the catch fencing on the left hand side of the road. This is a landslide or falling rock area. By the look of the fencing there are some pretty big rocks that fall around this place. In the following picture you can see where the rocks were falling from.

 I found a nice rock to hold down the end of roll 58 while I took pictures.

Here is the view from the end of the Line. I won't be back down in this area for a year or so. Eventually the Line will hook up with this end point.

That is it for this update, except for a little different perspective on the area I have rolled out the Line the last three times. I know that this section of the road looks a bit dull when you are actually on it, but if you get some distance away it looks more dramatic. Here is the view from about a mile and a half to the south of this spot.

And here it is again at sunset.

It looks much more impressive doesn't it?

That's it for now.


  1. I want to jump right into those pictures. Beautiful!

  2. By the way, "anonymous" is me. I hit the wrong profile!
